
I’ve been ruminating about personal values this week.

For some time, I’ve been developing a friendship with an interesting and intriguing woman online. Our interactions were fun and flirty, and we had been discussing catching up to see if that chemistry existed in the real world.

It’s not always easy for a man like myself to find an accepting female partner. By no means were we at that level yet, but a straight, gender flexible man isn’t for every woman.

I get that, and it’s perfectly okay.

So that we were able to interact in that space was frankly, exciting and interesting to me.

This week it appears I inadvertently and innocently tripped over some of her personal values. I was completely unaware of what had happened, yet she chose to terminate our interactions.

That’s okay.

We all have personal needs and values, and ways in which we react to infractions towards those needs and values. We all absolutely have an absolute right to guide our lives in whatever way we see fit.

I’m not angry, and I do understand.

I’m just disappointed that I had no chance to explain that it was an innocent mistake on my part.

Or to say farewell.